Wednesday, 15 June 2011

I do love to be beside the seaside....

I had a trip to the seaside today. My (temporary) unemployment has gifted me a menagerie of opportunities to do stuff that I never really have time to do, like go and spend the day with my Grandparents.

They live in a lovely town called Whitstable (the home of Janet Street-Porter) and I getting some sea air in the lungs is always a good feeling. After a lovely pub lunch and an afternoon of watching Ascot (did I mention how awesome unemployment is?) I set off on a run. I planned to do 5 miles, but this was cut short because the searing pain in my right calf hadn't disappeared after 3.5 miles. I'm thinking a rest from running is needed until after the weekend; some swimming and upper body training will give my calf a chance to rest and the running can begin once again next week.

Although my calf hurt quite a bit, I was pleased with my run; averaging 8:15 min/mi over varying terrain of road, busy highstreet and beach. Tomorrow will be a fun day with a bit of golf in the morning, an upper body gym session in the afternoon and speed dating in the evening. It may be a late blog, but it will definitely hopefully be worth reading.

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